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  1. Тази вечер Арсенал излиза в първото си гостуване за сезона. Срещата е част от 2-ри кръг на Висшата лига и в нея момчетата на Микел Артета ще търсят отмъщение срещу Унай Емери и Астън Вила. През изминалата кампания ''виланите'' нанесоха две поражения на ''артилеристите'', едното от които бе съвсем в края. Със сигурност този мач не се очертава да е едва ли не един от лесните, но миналия сезон Арсенал записа цели 42 точки във визитите си и допусна едва 13 попадения във вратата си далеч от дома. При всички положения щаба на Лондончани ще се постарае подобно постижение не само да бъде запазено и сега, но и дори да бъде надминато. Иначе ''точпиите'' посрещнаха кръга от 2-та позиция, след като на старта на сезона победиха Уулвс със 2:0 в английската столица. Бирмингамци пък заемаха 5-то място, като също спечелиха откриващият си мач - победа срещу Уест Хям като гост с 2:1. Тази вечер Арсенал има сметки за уреждане и изглежда готов! Още подробности преди мача: Кога: 19:30ч българско време; Стадион: Вила Парк, Бирмингам; Телевизия: Диема Спорт 2; Рефер на двубоя: Майкъл Оливър; Новините в Арсенал: Очаква се срещата да бъде пропусната от Кийрън Тиърни и Такехиро Томиясу, които са с травми съответно мускулна такава и на коляното. Под въпрос остава Фабио Виейра, който според информацията е пред завръщане в Порто под наем до края на сезона. По всичко изглежда, че всички останали състезатели в лагера на ''топчиите''са на разположение за селекция, в това число и Юриън Тимбър. Фото кредит: Арсенал Микел Артета преди мача: ''При всички положения това ще бъде един от най-трудните ни мачове през сезона. Напълно наясно сме с това и се постарахме да се подготвим максимално добре за това, което ни предстои. Наясно сме с това какво трябва да направим. Това, което искаме, е просто да спечелим мача и нищо повече. Да, наясно сме и със самата опасност, която може да дойде от противника. Те умеят да доминират в доста аспекти от играта. Ние обаче също, така че ни очаква зрелищен мач, сигурен съм в това. Изпълнени сме с вяра в своите възможности. Отиваме там, за да си тръгнем като победители. Това е.'' Фото кредит: Арсенал Игра с прогнози във форума на ASCB:
  2. Meet, greet and stay smiling I guess the surprising thing about Alan Smith is the way he seems to care about the people he meets. Is it a practiced thing, born of all the meet and greets that a celebrity has to do? Perhaps, but I suspect not. He is the real deal. He makes you feel at home with yourself and seems unruffled by the tasks of meeting strangers who have come his way because of that celebrity. Lily and Krasi Kolev meeting the legend He very kindly agreed to meet me in the gleaming Millenium Hotel for an interview for this blog and we chose a quiet spot overlooking the garden. His fabulous wife Penny kept a discreet distance and we were good to go. He is tall, slim and could easily make a living as a male model showing off the latest fashions for the little more mature gentlemen. I suspect he has not put on weight since his playing days and maybe I should have asked him his secret. Has George gone crazy? I did ask him about his famous goal against Liverpool which gave us the chance and he started by telling me that George Graham surprised us all by going for five at the back. “We were all looking at him in the dressing room as if he had gone mad, but he replied we need to keep it tight, once they don’t score we have a chance.” George got it right but of course when Alan did nick one in, the Liverpool players crowded around the officials and he said “We all thought they were going to disallow it, but the referee pointed to the spot, and that is when the belief started. We knew we had a chance,” The Arsenal commemorative booklet which many people slaved over to produce And of course, Alan was on hand at the end to steer the ball towards Mickey Thomas although he could only see a yellow shirt coming through, but it was the redoubtable Mr Thomas who got the ball, got a nice rebound and slid the ball past Grobbelaar in goal. Somehow we had won. Alan was full of praise for the Liverpool supporters who stayed behind and clapped them. “It was a nice touch and we had a great time with our own supporters afterwards. The atmosphere was incredible and the noise levels, but maybe the Liverpool players were a bit flat, and they didn’t have many chances although the game was played at a hundred miles an hour.” Only another 100,000 retellings to go One could see that that game was the highlight of his career. His eyes light up involuntarily as he recounts the dramatic events despite, no doubt, this being the same story he has to retell every time he meets up with fans. It will remain possibly the most dramatic finish ever to a league season so he will probably have to churn it out regularly for the rest of his life. The huge throng of Arsenal fans at the football tournament I put it to him that if Liverpool had to win that by 2-0 they probably would have, but knowing they were 1-0 up inhibited them. He looked thoughtful for a minute and he responded “Yes, you could be right, knowing they could afford to lose 1-0 may have brought some complacency.” Henry, Wenger plus Smudger I asked him how he would have felt about playing alongside Henry and I posited that being a targetman who could get the ball, he would have suited Henry very well. “Henry could have played alongside anyone but, yes, I would have loved to have the chance. Himself and Dennis Bergkamp were a great combination. But Gary Lineker was like that, I could read his little flicks and movements, and he could get his goals.” Alan Smith: "Yes, I would have loved to work with these two" I also asked him about Wenger and he was definitely enthusiastic. “I kept in touch with the old team and Lee Dixon said that it was incredible, in Wenger’s first full season they had just done preseason and it was far less intensive than before, they felt they weren’t going to be fit but as soon the season started they felt as sharp as mustard, it was just the way he did it.” He went on to say that he would have loved that opportunity. I feel it was a pity as Alan retired at 32 in 1995 and he could have been there for the double, even if as a bit part player as Bergkamp and Anelka appeared alongside Ian Wright. The media beckoned and Alan bloomed We moved on to life after football and I felt this was a smoother lifestyle for him than playing football. He liked words, analysis and being fair which is a prerequisite for a co-commentator. He gave the impression that his upward progression from writing in a local Islington paper to writing for the Telegraph, being brought into Sky as an armchair pundit for Arsenal games to being co-commentator all happened without the big drama of being a footballer. He worked hard and always tried to bring something extra to his work, a layer of information and insight that only an ex-player can convey. He quoted Richie Benaud, the famous cricket commentator – “If you have got nothing useful or positive to say, then say nothing, let the pictures tell the story.” I asked him if he will continue in broadcasting until they put him out to grass and he laughed “Oh yes, I would love to continue for as long as they want me. Everything is changing in the broadcasting world, they now bring in more diverse people, and women are playing a far greater role than before, but I would hope there will be a place for me. I never thought I could be a media person and now I want to stay doing it forever.” Women officials and Colemanballs I put it to him that bringing women in, particularly as officials, could have a very positive effect as players screaming abuse at women would not be a good look and we badly need new officials for the modern game as it cannot exist without them. He agreed and opined that referees can get staggering abuse at lower levels. He wondered how anyone could be attracted into that and that women could potentially help to bridge the recruitment gap. Women are so much a part of football now I then asked him about pundit mistakes and I have to admit I couldn’t find any in a search online. Perhaps he is too shrewd to make such slipups but he told me about a time in Denmark with Martin Tyler at an under 21’s tournament when England scored. 1-0 to England and they were watching the replays when the game restarted. They kept talking about England being one nil up for the next few minutes until the news was passed on to them that the goal was disallowed. They had never noticed. Still, in comparison to the cockups I have made in my life this was minor. He is a rare person who appreciates the gifts life has thrown him He has had a great life in many ways and I feel he is one of the few of us who know that and accept it. He had to work hard, yes, to succeed as a professional footballer. It is down to many factors of which football skill is only one. Learning all the time, never giving up, working for the team, being disciplined, and being able to cope with lots of disappointments and defeats are grist to the mill of a professional footballer. Yet he did it all and won it all. Penny and Alan Smith plus a certain Mr Worth having a great time I feel that his second career really suited a man of learning, of words, of deep reflection, and was easier than the hard slog of dealing with the many personalities, angers, disagreements, jealousies and pressures of life in a top team’s dressing room. The subsequent career was something that he adapted to very well, he succeeded in a different way than the first one, and that suited an academic boy who loved languages. I am very happy he found fulfillment this way, that he wants it to continue for as long as possible and maybe he can come back again to talk about the Arsenal. We would love him back.
  3. Happy birthday Ascb, happy birthday to you 20 years, eh? Where has it all gone? Well, let me tell you. It has gone to creating the best supporters club in Bulgaria and credit must go to all the luminaries who have had an active part in building, attracting and creating a gathering of like minds to yes, push for the Arsenal, but also show a side of Bulgaria that few outside probably ever see. This is the joy, the respect, the fun, the friendships, the looking after each other - and that connection that binds all Bulgarians, that they are the plucky underdogs who can do it when it really matters. Alan forges a background at the Sports Academy Never was this more emphasised than on our weekend programme to welcome the legendary Alan Smith. On Friday night in the Sports Academy in Dianabad there was an ambitious schedule of events including a quiz that was worked on intensively by several members but that was discarded in favour of a party to celebrate us coming together from all parts of Bulgaria. A good time is what matters. One nil to the Alan Smith But then on the Saturday night the carnival switched focus to our star guest, Alan Smith, and a superb celebration of his football life was the centrepiece of the night. Questions were fired at him and he responded articulately and well, and it was rounded off by a video soupçon of his best moments to which the crowd roared, sang and cheered and added to the party atmosphere. It was raucous but always fun. And did I mention that Alan scored the critical first goal against Liverpool in 1989 and the only goal against Parma in the European Cup Winners Cup? Great cheers erupted as the goals sailed in. A huge crowd had a fantastic night If Friday was the party, Saturday was the culmination of a massive amount of organisation in which so many things happened and all worked out effortlessly. Bulgarians can do it, you know. From the initial birthday celebrations to the Alan Smith spectacle and onto the birthday cake (very tasty) and the raffles of which the biggest cheer came when our chairman Georgi Stoyanov won the main prize. Cries of Mafia rang around the hall good-humouredly but Joro laughed in good-hearted embarrassment. Alan dealt with everything put in front of him with a smile There was lots of kids and families there, most wearing Arsenal colours and dancing and shaking their bodies at a night we will recall forever. My attempt at an Bulgarian iconic style Alan Smith A huge amount of credit must go to Alan Smith. He turned up both nights where he stood for selfies and chatted and signed everything that was put in front of him. A very decent man, very willing to do his bit to make everything a time to remember. We will never forget his grace, poise and good humour, and he has now become a Bulgarian icon as well. Maybe we should do a picture of him in that famous Bulgarian iconic style as a commemoration? The best supporters club anywhere It is an enormous undertaking to persuade a football star to come to Bulgaria. The money involved including flights and accommodation is difficult to secure considering the money that they can get from events in their own home patch, but I suspect that Alan and his bubbly wife Penny had a great time as well, as I know they were surprised by the level of support in Bulgaria for the Arsenal by the knowledge, sheer passion, and enthusiasm shown, and, along with the level of fun and respect presented may make it easier in future to entice others to come. I will certainly try to get him to persuade others to give Bulgaria a go. They won’t forget it. The voice has come alive I have a confession to make, when I wrote the text for the programme I made an assumption that a lot of our fans would have little knowledge of Alan Smith considering he retired almost thirty years ago. But I underestimated the power of gaming. His many years with EA Sports Fifa has made his voice his calling card among the youth. All the younger people there knew him for his voice as he co-commented with Martin Tyler for all their epic tilts at titles as they tried to manipulate themselves to the top. Alan Smith was with them for endless hours as they pushed their teams to win long into the night. They knew who he was alright. The voice is real I suspect meeting the real person behind that voice must be an even bigger thrill than meeting him as I know him as a footballer and critic/commentator. There are lots of footballers, pundits and commentators but only two were with you in your bedroom as you battled your teams to the trophy. My partner in crime on this blog Dani Georgiev with some random footballer It all means that ASCB got it right with Alan Smith. He is a link to our second coming under George Graham, he was there almost from the start as the Sky revolution of football kicked off which brought with it football 24/7, technology at every corner, and the Premier League beamed to every round of the globe. And, of course, he had a personal foot and head in many of our greatest days. The Bulgarian way is best ASCB got the person right and they got the weekend right. It was done the Bulgarian way, with a cock-up included (but maybe that quiz will happen another night?) however they pulled off a truly great time for everyone and that is what matters. Lots of the culprits who have made ASCB what it is I give thanks in extremis to all involved, too numerous to mention, but we have set a benchmark now and I can’t wait for the day we pull off the biggest coup of all in Arsene Wenger. We can do anything, we are ASCB. So thanks very much, Alan Smith, you are our football star, our commentating expert, and to the younger crew, the voice that accompanied them through their formative years. And you are always welcome.
  4. 12 май, неделя, 18:30ч. Ще се дават бонус точки за познати точни знак и резултат. COYG!
  5. Арсенал гостува на Манчестър Юнайтед в предпоследния кръг на Висшата Лига. В това дерби може да се реши новия шампион на Англия. Заповядайте в КлубЪ да подкрепим любимия отбор! адрес: ул. Софийско шосе 12, вх. 1 Врати: 18:00 ч. Старт: 18:30 ч. COYG!
  6. Арсенал посреща Борнемут на Емирейтс в мач от 36тия кръг на ВЛ. Момчетата на Микел Артета водят в класирането с мач повече пред Манчестър Сити и са само на точка пред гражданите. Тази среща е отново с характер "must win". Феновете на отбора в град Шумен могат да гледат мача на обичайното място "КлубЪ" - ул. "Софийско шосе 12", вх. 1. Врати: 14:00 ч. Начало: 14:30 ч. COYG!
  7. 28 април, неделя, 16:00ч. - ще се дават бонус точки за познати точни знак и резултат.
  8. Арсенал гостува на Тотнъм в мач класика - дербито на северен Лондон. Мачът е отново "must win" за артилерията, за да запази шансове за титлата след само 4 кръга. В град Шумен можете да гледате мача на обичайното за това място "КлубЪ" (ул. Софийско шосе 12, вх.1) Врати: 15:30 ч. Начало: 16:00 ч. COYG!
  9. 23 април, вторник, 22:00ч. - ще се дават бонус точки за познати точни знак и резултат. COYG!
  10. Арсенал посреща Челси в следващия "must win" мач от Висшата Лига за да запазим шансовете си да спечелим така бленуваната титла на Англия. За феновете в град Шумен, мястото където може да гледат срещата е "КлубЪ" (ул. Софийско шосе 12, вх. 1). врати: 21:00 ч. начало: 22:00 ч. COYG!
  11. Арсенал гостува на вълците в мач, който е задължителна победа за топчиите. Можете да гледате срещата на обичаното място за град Шумен - "КлубЪ" (ул. Софийско шосе 12, вх.1) Врати: 21:00 ч. Начало: 21:30 ч. COYG!
  12. 31 март, неделя, 18:30ч. Ще се дават бонус точки за познати точни знак и резултат.
  13. От 01.04.2024 до 17.05.2024 година всеки български артилерист може да поднови членството си или да се присъедини към фен клуба на Арсенал Лондон в България. В навечерието сме на нашата 20-та годишнина, като приготовленията за този забележителен юбилей вървят с пълна сила, а от УС на ASCB имаме намерението, да Ви изненадаме с поредица прояви в началото на юни. Поради тази причина изместваме периода на кампанията с 14 дни и това е единствената промяна. Членският внос остава в размер на 40 лв. за сезон за пълнолетни и 20 лв. за лица от 4 до 17 години, а тези до 3 години са без членски внос. Отстъпката от 5 лева за членски внос (за родствена връзка по права линия и/или съпрузи) ползват само лица навършили 18 години. Членуването в ASCB дава възможност за кандидатстване за билети за домакинските срещи на отбора в Лондон или за гостуванията в Европа. Въпреки безпрецедентния интерес към срещите на Арсенал в момента, ние правим всичко необходимо за да осигурим присъствие на „българските топчии“ на стадион Емирейтс за всеки един двубой, цел която ще продължим да следваме и през следващия сезон. С въведената нова система на квоти за билети сме осигурили билети на 33 процента членове, които нямат точки в точкова система за активност на нашата организация. Това е резултат, който ни прави особено щастливи, тъй като за нас е мисия, колкото може повече хора да стъпят на мач на любимия отбор и да се запознаят с ценностите, които изповядва ФК Арсенал Лондон от първо лице. Гостуванията в Европа са друг наш акцент, защото благодарение на ASCB все повече „български артилеристи“ усещат магията да пътуваш с отбора в различните части на Европа. Както всяка година членовете ще получат традиционно пакет, който включва персонализирана карта и подарък. След всички успешни инициативи през последните години сме амбицирани да достигнем нови висини в качеството и визията за развитието на „Арсенал България“, ще продължим с нашите благотворителни изяви, с които да бъдем близо до хората. Обещаваме Ви един прекрасен рожден ден и много поводи за гордост, защото Вие сте нашият основен капитал и смятаме, че с общи усилия ще задържим невероятния растеж, който постигнахме през последната година, благодарение на всеки един от Вас. СТАНИ ЕДИН ОТ НАС! Връзка към темата: https://arsenal-bulgaria.com/forums/topic/19112/
  14. Враца, един от най-будните и революционни градове през нашата история, град с особен дух и също толкова особени хора ще бъде домакин на нашата традиционна Зимна фен среща за 2024 година. Градът на Софроний Врачански, на делото на Стоян Заимов и Трети революционен окръг по време на Априлското въстание, Мистър Сенко и Мартин Петров е дал много на България и за нас от УС на "Арсенал България" тази проява е дълго планирана и очаквана с много вълнение, а самата тя стартира поредицата от инициативи на ASCB по повод 20 години на най-големият и първи фен клуб на чужд отбор в България. Има някаква символика, че един от известните нашенци от този живописен български град е Никола Тодоров Топчията. Да, именно това намигване на историята някак си обяснява любовта на Врачани към Арсеналът от град Лондон. Харесвам такива намигвания на живота, а друго намигване е, че тук през 1972 година е сниман култовият български филм "Момчето си отива". Само, че тези почивни дни доста момчета и не малко момичета(да не забравяме дамите в червено и бяло, които ни красят) ще посетят Враца за да отбележат откриването на клон Враца в семейството на "българските топчии". От УС и съвместно с хората от града сме подготвили програма с културно-масови вечеринки, като този път имаме две черешки на тортата. Първата такава са своеобразните наши рози, каквито са момичета от "Арсенал България", които ще уважим на 08 март, а втората ще бъде официалното откриване на клона и наблюдаването на срещата от първеството на Английската Висша Лига между могъщата армия на Микел Артета и съседите от Брентфорд в съботната вечер. В програмата предвиждаме и посещение на пещерата Леденика, а консумацията на ледено пиво със същото име е задължително! Програмата от нас: Обещаваме това мероприятие ДА бъде нещо особено!!!
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